How will the process go forward:

  1. You’ve applied and we got your information. 📬
  2. Eva from HR will schedule a call with you to see if we are a good fit, if we speak the same language, if we fit personally if we have the same mindset etc. 💻🧠
  3. You’ll be sent a tech/PM challenge. After you’re done, our lead dev/lead AM will check it and you’ll meet your future manager to see each other expectations. 🧑‍💻
  4. You’ll have a small talk with our CEO about our values and future. 👑
  5. If you like us and we like you, we’ll sign all the necessary papers. 📝
  6. Onboarding starts. ⛵ 🍾

Your first week in SGA

Now the fun begins! The first days will be about:

Eva will schedule a call with you and virtually show you around and get all the necessities you might need at first. We expect that after 3 days you will have your tasks and start to work full time :)

That’s it, you’re part of us now!